From a two-man servicing company to a refrigeration corporation
The corporate history of Porkka, established in the early 1960s, is an essential part of the history of the Finnish manufacture of refrigeration equipment. The journey from a one-man serving company to the present size and corporation has included a number of acquisitions and different owners. Even so, the manufacturing of the equipment has remained in Finland. Festivo-Porkka Group saw its beginnings in 2019, when Huurre Group sold Porkka Finland to Festivo Finland Oy. Festivo-Porkka Group also includes Suomen Kotikylmiö, which manufactures refrigeration equipment under the Festivo brand.
The Porkka brand is known for its quality – the long life-cycle and serviceability of its products – and technical skills. The aim of our product development is to bring into practice qualities appreciated by professionals – usability, cost-effectiveness, product safety and life-cycle management. Over the years, the Porkka modular cold and freezer rooms, Inventus refrigeration equipment and Cold Line counters have indeed become the standard devices of commercial kitchens.
Festivo-Porkka Group operates three plants in Finland. The cold rooms and doors are designed and manufactured at the panel factory at Ylöjärvi. The production of the company’s other commercial refrigeration equipment has been centralized to Kemijärvi, whereas the plant specialized in the manufacturing of Festivo refrigeration equipment and medical cabinets operates in Salpakangas, Hollola. All in all, Festivo-Porkka Group in Finland employs some 200 in production and around 70 in product development and sales.